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Ten Things I Want My Homeschooled Children To Take With Them Into the World

As a mama to homeschooled children, I have contemplated my reasons for home educating for a long while. At least since my daughter was born, 8.5 years ago. I think about the specific things I want to instill in my children frequently. I try to not to put pressure on myself to do ALL the things, because I am human and I find that if I stress about things that I most likely can’t control, I will not be at my best. However, what I CAN do is focus on the things I can control. Like sitting with my husband and thinking through what we pray our kids take with them from our home, and carry throughout the rest of their lives.

We have so many options on what to spend our time doing … sports, lessons, etc. Sometimes it can be hard deciding what to prioritize! Here is my list of what I want my homeschooled children to leave my home with:

This list of ten things allows us to really prioritize what we invest our time, energy, and money in as we plan every year. One of the joys of homeschooling is also a pit fall of homeschooling in this day and age…. so many choices! I really want to make sure we grow them in these areas. Areas that no matter their age, situation, status, the state of the world, etc, they have these things to pull from that will give them Hope in Jesus.

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