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Spring Books for Kids

Spring is upon us! Finally! I love welcoming the warmth of spring after a long winter. The buds on the trees start to pop out and the kids and I go searching for the first daffodils of the season. We start eating our meals outside and going barefoot. The search for the first tadpoles begins, and we also start our garden! The first sighting of the first spring Robin is so exciting. Viewing the changing of the season through the eyes of my children has really brought so much joy to me as a mother. It is just a special time of year! We pull out the spring books for kids and read all about the changing season.

Great Spring Books for Kids

We are big fans of picture books in our home. My children are younger, so we are still in that season of lap cuddles and flipping through piles of books. I love having our seasonal favorites out on display in our homeschool room so that we have them handy to grab and read. I swapped out the winter books for spring books, so I thought I would share a few of our favorite children’s books with you!

12 Spring Books for Kids

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