New Year Intentions | + Free Printable
I can’t believe it’s about to be 2025! This year really flew by, and now it’s time to start planning out a new year. I like to sit down and plan out my year by doing New Year Intentions. This is a little different than doing New Year’s Resolutions, but it is similar.

What are New Year Intentions?
It is probably self-explanatory, but I wanted to share why I choose to do intentions instead of goals or resolutions. I think when you really get intentional with the meaning behind your goal or resolutions, it really helps you to stay on track, which is why they are intentions. You can really add any intention you would like, but I try to stay with things that are truly meaningful that will help guide me in my decisions for the year ahead. These intentions will really align with your values for the year, which is why I like to make them after I have defined my word for the year.

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Word of the Year
Choosing a word for the year can be really helpful when it comes to being intentional with the year ahead. Some examples of words that I have used in the past are:
- Loyalty
- Pray
- Seek
- Trust
- Grow
- Imagine
- Create
Taking time to pray about your year ahead and what word would most help you grow into what the Lord is calling you will help you as you plan out your intentions.

Choosing Your New Year Intentions
Some questions to ask yourself as you plan are:
– What do I truly want to accomplish this year? (This is not based on what others may want from you)
In what areas is my time best spent?
What decisions will best serve my family, church, and community?
What can I spend time on the will make me healthier? (mentally, spiritually, and physcially)

Areas to Focus on For the New Year
- Personal Life/ Relationships
- Financial
- Physical Health
- Business / Professional
- Creativity
- Personal Growth
Examples of this could be that my Intention for the year would be to spend more time outside with my children. This will not only help me mentally grow by being outside in nature, but it will also help my children get their energy out, grow in nature, and it will also help me to get exercise.
Another example could be that you intend to read 50 books for the year. This is a great intention because it can help you grow in your love of reading and could help you as you homeschool your children.
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I hope this resource blesses you and your family this year!
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