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Must Read Books for Boys: ages 5-10

Are you a picky mama? I know I am but only in certain areas. It has gotten easier to let go as they have gotten older. I let them pick out their own clothes most of the time, and I let them choose toys that they will like. One area I have remained picky in is the books they read. There are so many books out there that are just awful. These books are filled with weak ideas, lazy characters, and new age ideologies. Filling their young minds with these ideas is not ideal as they are maturing. Instead, I want must read books for boys that foster imagination, encourage bravery, portray courage, and leave them looking to see the world through a lens of beauty.

10 Must Read Books for Boys
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Must Read Books for Boys

I have three boys that I am raising to live in this chaotic world and I want books for my boys that show them how to live courageously. Books that show bravery in the midst of trial. Stories that make their imaginations soar as they dream of far off lands. My boys helped me look through our books, and we came up with 10 Must Read Books for Boys that fit into the criteria of being imaginative and portraying courage and bravery that would be wonderful for ages 5-10.

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“Boys must learn that they are growing up to fight in a great war, and they must consequently learn, as boys, to be strong, sacrificial, courageous, and good.

Future Men by Douglas Wilson

Must Read Books for Boys
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Tips for Buying Good Books

I have talked a lot about browsing booklists and making sure you have them memorized while you are book buying, but I wanted to also talk about how to spot a good book on your own. Of course, not all the good books in the world have made it onto booklists, so sometimes you have to make up your own mind. Here are some tips to help youquickly decide if the book is worth buying:

  1. How are the illustrations? Lovely and colorful or cheesy and boring? You want to be intrigued as an adult. Think “Would I hang this on the wall as artwork?”
  2. Is it a living book? Here is a definition of what this is, but it’s truly what you want to fill your home library with whether you are homeschooling or not.
  3. If all else fails and I cannot decide, I will go to the Reshelving Alexandria Facebook Group and type the author into the search bar just to see if it’s a worthwhile buy. Those ladies are so knowledgeable.
Must Read Books for Boys
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10 Must Read Books for Boys

  1. Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel: A little boy staple! All of the Frog and Toad books are sweet and talk about freindship.
  2. The Little Bear Treasury by Else Holmelund Minarik: This are a MUST! You have to own every single one. Books about imagination, friendship, coming of age. Just sweet, dear books.
  3. Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain by Edward Ardizonne: Edward Ardizonne is an artist. These books are harder to find, but I have found a few whilst thrifting.
  4. Blaze and the Mountain Lion by C.W. Anderson: There are 9 books in this series and they are all great. My boys love collecting them.
  5. The Biggest Bear by Land Ward: Such a lovely story of an unlikely friendship. You will tear up.
  6. sSnakes by Gail Gibbons: Any and all Gail Gibbons! We have a ton of her books, but my books like the snakes and reptiles so much. Informative but also fun!
  7. The Raft by Jim LaMarche: This book is actually on another booklist that I published, but my boys refused to leave it out. It just a great book.
  8. Saint George and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges: Lovely illustrations, engaging story, and portrays bravery so well.
  9. My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett: Fun, inviting story. There are three books in the series. These a chapter books.
  10. Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel by Virginia Lee Burton: This books will be on the lower end of the age range, but even my 7 year old enjoys this story of hardworking Mike Mulligan.

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Must Read Books for Boys
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10 Must Read Books for Boys

“When the tale ended the king said, “Never did living man sail through such a sea of deadly dangers. Since you are now safely come to shore, stay here and live happily ever after. You have earned your rest.” But the brave knight answered, “No, my lord. I have sworn to give knight’s service to the Fairy Queen for six years. Until then, I cannot rest.”

Saint George and the Dragon

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